- 1Daily Timed Data from automated weather stations in China
- 2China's First-Generation Global Land Reanalysis Product (CRA-40/Land) -3-Hourly Product (Land Product)
- 3China's First-Generation Global Land Reanalysis Products (CRA-40/Land)- Daily Products (Atmospheric Driven Fusion Products)
- 4Data of specific synoptic hours from upper air stations in China
- 5China's First-Generation Global Atmospheric Reanalysis Products (CRA-40)- Daily Products
- 6China's First-Generation Global Land Reanalysis Product (CRA-40/Land)- Daily Products (Land Products)
- 7China's First-Generation Global Atmospheric Reanalysis Products (CRA-40)- Monthly Products
- 8Data of specific synoptic hours from global surface weather stations

Including relevant reanalysis products generated by the China Global Atmospheric Reanalysis (CRA) system of the National Meteorological Information Center.
Including relevant reanalysis products generated by the China Global Atmospheric Reanalysis (CRA) system of the National Meteorological Information Center.