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  • The daily climate norm is calculated using the “CDO” tool. For each day of the year, from day 1 to day 365, the average of the 30 data points for that day from the period 1991-2020 is calculated.

          Climate Norm Calculation Method Example:

          cdo ensmean 19910101.grib2 …… 20200101.grib2 0101.grib2


          19910101.grib2 …… 20200101.grib2 are the input CRA reanalysis data files,

          0101.grib2 is the output CRA reanalysis climate norm data file for January 1st.

          The calculation formula for cdo ensmean is as follows:


          EnsMean(x,t)is the mean at time step  t and spatial position x.

          N is the number of members.

          xi​(t)is the value of the i-th member at time step t.

  • The daily climate norm is calculated using the “CDO” tool. For each day of the year, from day 1 to day 365, the average of the 30 data points for that day from the period 1991-2020 is calculated.

          Climate Norm Calculation Method Example:

          cdo ensmean 19910101.grib2 …… 20200101.grib2 0101.grib2


          19910101.grib2 …… 20200101.grib2 are the input CRA reanalysis data files,

          0101.grib2 is the output CRA reanalysis climate norm data file for January 1st.

          The calculation formula for cdo ensmean is as follows:


          EnsMean(x,t)is the mean at time step  t and spatial position x.

          N is the number of members.

          xi​(t)is the value of the i-th member at time step t.

  • The daily climate norm is calculated using the “CDO” tool. For each day of the year, from day 1 to day 365, the average of the 30 data points for that day from the period 1991-2020 is calculated.

          Climate Norm Calculation Method Example:

          cdo ensmean 19910101.grib2 …… 20200101.grib2 0101.grib2


          19910101.grib2 …… 20200101.grib2 are the input CRA reanalysis data files,

          0101.grib2 is the output CRA reanalysis climate norm data file for January 1st.

          The calculation formula for cdo ensmean is as follows:


          EnsMean(x,t)is the mean at time step  t and spatial position x.

          N is the number of members.

          xi​(t)is the value of the i-th member at time step t.

  • The daily climate norm is calculated using the “CDO” tool. For each day of the year, from day 1 to day 365, the average of the 30 data points for that day from the period 1991-2020 is calculated.

          Climate Norm Calculation Method Example:

          cdo ensmean 19910101.grib2 …… 20200101.grib2 0101.grib2


          19910101.grib2 …… 20200101.grib2 are the input CRA reanalysis data files,

          0101.grib2 is the output CRA reanalysis climate norm data file for January 1st.

          The calculation formula for cdo ensmean is as follows:


          EnsMean(x,t)is the mean at time step  t and spatial position x.

          N is the number of members.

          xi​(t)is the value of the i-th member at time step t.

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