- 1Daily Timed Data from automated weather stations in China
- 2Data of specific synoptic hours from upper air stations in China
- 3China's First-Generation Global Land Reanalysis Product (CRA-40/Land) -3-Hourly Product (Land Product)
- 4China's First-Generation Global Atmospheric Reanalysis Products (CRA-40)- Daily Products
- 5China's First-Generation Global Land Reanalysis Product (CRA-40/Land)- Daily Products (Land Products)
- 6China's First-Generation Global Land Reanalysis Products (CRA-40/Land)- Monthly Products (Atmospheric Driven Fusion Products)
- 7China's First-Generation Global Atmospheric Reanalysis Products (CRA-40)- Monthly Products
- 8China's First-Generation Global Land Reanalysis Products (CRA-40/Land)- Daily Products (Atmospheric Driven Fusion Products)

Observations obtained near the ground by various observational means and methods and their derived data from a synthetic analysis, excluding ground data obtained solely by satellite, radar, model analysis, expedition, etc.
Observations obtained near the ground by various observational means and methods and their derived data from a synthetic analysis, excluding ground data obtained solely by satellite, radar, model analysis, expedition, etc.